Saturday, 29 May 2010

Happy Birthday Me

Yup, WCMTU turned one sometime this month.

Been an interesting year too, during which Conservapedia's sysops tried to shut me down; Terry Koeckritz ran rampant over the few remaining editors; RationalWiki became a bigger site than Conservapedia - a victory in a very real sense of the word; Andrew Schlafly made the Bible more conservative; two parodists were promoted to sysop, where they help Terry undermine CP; and Andy made a fool of himself in front of the New Jersey Supreme Court.

About the only thing that hasn't happened is the demise of CP, but given the downward spiral it's enjoyed over the past 12 months, that day must be drawing close. After all, even the Fab Five, or Super Six super nutty admins can't keep an encyclopaedia running.

Oops... my bad. It's not an encyclopaedia... it's Andrew Schlafly's little soap box.

Macho Ken DeMyer

Sadly, I must confess to having long ignored one of Conservapedia's more notorious administrators - user:Conservative (aka Ken DeMyer, Ruy Lopez, Peter Moore, David Jensen or any one of the many aliases this international man of moron-ity adopts in his efforts to boost his pet articles up Google's rankings via search engine optimisation - SEO). By now, anybody vaguely familiar with CP should be aware that his "pets" are Atheism, Homosexuality, Evolution and Richard Dawkins... although not necessarily in that order. Forgive me if I don't link to those articles myself, but I have no desire to assist in his frantic attempts to have his drivel appear in Google's Top 10. To this end, Ken sees himself as a bit of an alpha male, and must stake out his territory by scattering his droppings all over CP's main page and mostly Andy's talk page.

"Drivel?" I hear you say. "On the Trustworthy Encyclopaedia? Surely not." Well, you're welcome to read them yourself, but I'm sure you'll find them a turgid mess of quote mines, terrible English (Ken deserves an award for the use of the word "regarding" virtually every sentence he types), repetition (again with the SEO thing) and bad facts. An apt comment when describing Ken's stuff (which was originally applied to the Conservative Bible Project, I believe) is that "it reads about as well as shitting barbed wire feels good.") Of course, these articles are also protected, so only Ken, or the other admins, can actually edit them. However, given that CP happily displays this garbage on their front page, clearly means that the Trustworthy Encyclopaedia is proud of this un-encyclopaedic rubbish... even if all the other admins studiously avoid touching Ken's output. They're probably scared his stupidity is catching.

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Making Karajou Funny

Conservapedia administrator Karajou – who would appear to be immune from their “use your real first name and initial” block reason (after all, there’s no possible permutation of ‘Brian MacDonald’ that gives you ‘Karajou’) – fancies himself as a bit of a cartoonist. However, before we go into that, it’s probably best to have a quick refresher course on what we know about the man behind the myth.

Karajou is CP’s resident navy veteran, something he confirms on his user page. Where he tells us which countries he visited, what courses he took, but is strangely silent on his rank achieved after 20 years’ service. Then again, given his passive-aggressive anger issues, hair-trigger temper and generally grumpy temperament, it’s likely he kept getting  busted down to seaman, for punching out his OC. Probably because the latter wasn’t conservative enough. Personally, I’ve always pictured him as a weird hybrid between Capt. Haddock’s bushy beard and pipe, Capt. Sobel’s (from Band of Brothers) people skills… and Colonel Kaddafi’s eyes. This is best displayed by his reaction to a (probably false) letter from a mother of a gay son - blocking her whilst calling her a bigot.

Friday, 14 May 2010

It’s not the way that you caress and toy with my election…

(with apologies to Erasure)

Let me start off by saying that I really admire Andrew Schlafly. It takes a very special man to consistently ignore reality, facts, common sense and informed opinion in order to hang on to whatever idea has popped into what passes for his mind.  It takes an even more special man, to – when confronted with irrefutable evidence that he was wrong all along – alter his own reality, in order to keep up the pretence that he was right all along.

Actually, now that I think about it, “special” isn’t the right word. “Fucking insane lying deceitful full of shit lunatic” probably expresses it better. And you can’t help but admire his continuous ability to act like a fucking insane lying deceitful full of shit lunatic, and still get to eat his dinner with something other than a plastic spoon.

Thursday, 6 May 2010

How to treat editors, part umpty-ump

I've blogged before about how badly editors on Conservapedia are treated. It's basically a case of "we think you're a liberal parodist, until you prove otherwise, and even then we won't believe you." Plus you're also fair game for the many parodists who have earned blocking rights by acting as Andrew Schlafly's echo chamber. Even worse, you might find yourself blocked, because the sysops have no idea how checkuser works and no comprehension that two or more users could have the same IP address. Then again, most of those blocks are by Terry Koeckritz, who's probably in need of sexual gratification at the time.

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Free Speech 1, Conservapeda 0

Good news - seems that despite the best efforts of John Patti (no doubt guided by the slimy hand of Terry Koeckritz) this blog is still alive and kicking. So much for that little storm in a teacup. Many thanks to everybody for your support, it's greatly appreciated on this side, and now I'm more determined than ever to keep on "digging the dirt on the insanity that is Conservapedia" for my loyal readers. Although this time round there may be fewer personal remarks. Maybe.

Sunday, 2 May 2010

Conservative Censorship

Interesting, it would appear as if there's one bunch of people who aren't very happy with me (I wonder who that could be?), and have approached WordPress to have the blog taken down. (Truth hurting a bit there, boys?). I've replied to WordPress, providing the full difflinks which back up any and all statements I've made on here, so we'll have to wait and see.

At the worst I expect a slap on the wrist for calling the morons morons, as I am not making any unfounded or libellous statements.

The Tradegy of Conservapedia

I admit, I've been lax in my updates, but to be honest, writing about the same old stuff (Andrew Schlafly spouting nonsense, Terry Koeckritz lying through his teeth, etc) is becoming about as appealing as gargling with drain cleaner. Still, I live in hope that something juicy will crop up. Given how Andy's been gloating about the Conservatives winning the upcoming UK election, there might be something there next week. At the very least, his ridiculous comments about Britain being "the land of atheism" deserve challenging.