Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Lenski redux... or Andy Writes Another Letter

Still bathed in the glow of his Conservative Bible Project, Andrew Schlafly is now taking on the more esteemed translators of the Bible. Nevermind the fact that Andy's "translation" is a lukewarm abortion of a project, which involved several parodists changing words such as "thee" to "you" and "wine" to "grape juice". Oh yes, and the removal of the whole 'let he who is without sin cast the first stone' liberal garbage - because Andy's Jesus is all about hellfire, baby.

At no point did they revert back to the original Greek (or should that be Aramaic?) documents, even though Terry Hurlbut tried gamely for a bit, armed with an English / Greek pocket dictionary and Google Translate, but even he fell away. Despite all this, and the legion flaws contained in Andy's "translation" he went forth to proclaim the Good News. Well, he appeared on the Colbert Report, and didn't quite get the fact that he was the butt of their joke. Hint: Andy, people are laughing AT you, not with you. Still, now he's going after his detractors... hopefully not one at a time, because I think the universe will end before he gets done. First on his list is Prof. Douglas Moo, who is currently involved in a new translation of the NIV and TNIV, who dared call Andy's project "silly."

Monday, 28 June 2010

Just a quickie

Terry Koeckritz's favourite trick to to take any conversation, where he has more control and can pass edited highlights of the discussion on to Andy. However, he's not above making stupid comments in the edit line, then sulking and bitching about "taking it off-line" when queried on it.

A good example, is on the "Atomic bomb" article,  where the slimy one reverts an editor's correct edition - albeit with a broken like, using the comment "adding working citation, that is correct, not revisionist." Of course the minute, his revisionist claim is queried, he starts to backtrack, whining that, "The reason I prefer email between Admins is to save embarrassment, Jessica. Revert and try your link. It didn't work, went to a deleted or blank page. In the future try counting to ten, asking or checking before you publicly comment to me, please!"

So, commenting publicly about Terry's work is a no-no, but the malicious scumbag can make all the comments he likes. Oh, I should also mention that he deleted the talk page, but luckily it was restored by Roger Schlafly.

Terry Koeckritz - grade one arsehole, malignant scumbag and possessor of zero machismo. (Which, actually, once you check the definition of 'machismo' is a compliment. Now if only somebody could tell Ken DeMyer that...)

Crying Foul

By now we all know that Andrew Schlafly - whilst hating anybody else's claim to expertise - is a true master of all knowledge. We also know that he is equally capable of perverting anything to suit his own everything-is-black-or-white worldview. So it should come as no surprise when he turns his jaundiced eye on the World Cup. The football world cup (i.e. "soccer", not that bastardized version of rugby the Yanks play. Stick any linebacker in a good old scrum without his padding and the moffie would last 30 seconds. Max.) , you know, the one where the whole world takes part, unlike the *ahem* "world series".

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

The Fine Art of Backstabbing

Actually, another title might be “A Lesson in Hypocrisy.” Either way, what follows below is a prime example of creepy “Uncle” Ed Poor at his best. Or should that be worst? However, before we embark on this sordid little tale, a little bit of background info is required methinks.

Amongst the chosen few who act as “administrators” - please forgive the “”, it’s just that the one thing these goons don’t do is any actual administration. Probably due to a lack of machismo – it’s fairly safe to say that paranoia runs rampant among them. Well, except for Rob Smith and Ken DeMyer that is… they only suffer from paranoid delusions. This paranoia manifests mostly itself in off-line discussions about anything CP related, lest they dare show a divided front to the three non-clickbots that actually visit their site. The attempts by Terry Koeckritz and Brian Macdonald to block every IP-address outside the USA are clearly another symptom. Then again, Terry does a great job of fuelling the collective paranoia with his frequent references to “vandal sites” – none of which can be named, but nevertheless, does send a steady stream of members to RationalWiki. Which is just what Terry wants, of course.