Friday, 6 August 2010

Now you know...

...why Conservapedia is shunned by American conservatives and seen as a joke by the rest of the known world.

If the "Trustworthy" encyclopaedia allows its administrators post stuff like this below to its Main Page, one has to start questioning just how serious this project is. Now, ordinarily I would expect something like this to be added by a parodist. Which, let's face it, makes up virtually all of Conservapedia's editing base, except the administrators... and even some of them are suspect.

Hmmm. "The transitional animal the flying kitty?" That's not even good English. But then again, what else would you expect from CP's Master of Disaster, Ken Demyer aka Conservative. If you can stomach it, read the full article here, but be warned - you're likely to hurt your head as it collides with your desk.

I suppose that there are a few things to be said in Ken's defence. Firstly he did subsequently remove it (probably after a severe dressing down in the Zeuglodon Blues chat area), and it would appear as if he's suffering some sort of breakdown. Evidence for this is contained in an ever-increasing series of posts, starting with the whole 'Does Richard Dawkins have machismo?" rubbish, then onto what Hispanic and Asian ladies say about Dawkins, then onto a wildly wrong definition of Poe's Law. From this, he went on to create so-called parodies of evolution, once again clearly showing he has only a passing knowledge of what "parody" means. Then again, given that Andy doesn't consider parody to be comedy, we're not surprised.

All these, combined with several marathon 12- and 13-hour non-stop editing sessions, and a raging paranoia about being stalked, clearly indicate that something's not quite right with Ken. Which makes writing this make me feel a little like I'm pointing and laughing at a disabled person. However, that said, I'm guessing that there will be offer of assistance, or enquiries into his health, from his brother administrators, because a) they all hate him, b) it's quite simply not in their nature to be charitable towards others, and c) it'll blow Andy's claim about CP having "0 mental problems" out of the water. And those cowards are more worried about earning Andy's favour, than helping a colleague.


  1. Ghost of Mr. Williams6 August 2010 at 14:26

    Am I the only one who thought of the old GI Joe cartoons when I read the headline?

  2. I must admit, I don't think I've seen a GI Joe cartoon, so I can't help there.
