Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Watching Terry Koeckritz in Action

I have to admit, watching Terry Koeckritz in full flow is truly a thing of beauty. He really is a master of deflecting any criticism of himself, and manages to make it look as if the person questioning him is a) picking on TK, who is the victim here and b) is somehow flouting the rules and making themselves more important than Andrew Schlafly - something the administrators are seemingly scared of doing. This is, of course, information, that Terry will willingly pass on to Andy, in an attempt to discredit yet another Conservapedia administrator.

Looking at the discussion below, it also becomes very clear just why Terry insists on private exchanges, because that way not only will nobody else see just what a low-down, lying piece of shit he is, but he can also bcc edited highlights to Andy. And believe me, if you've ever received an e-mail from this lying sack of shit, Andy has been bcc'd too.

Monday, 23 August 2010

Homosexual Obsession? Part 1

Whilst Ken Demyer is on a one-crazy-man mission to make Conservapedia look even more ridiculous, I thought I'd take this opportunity to have a wander around another of Ken's (and possibly other CP sysops')  abiding interests: Homosexuality. And where better to begin than with CP's article on "Homosexuality obsession."

Saturday, 21 August 2010

Ed Poor - Sanctimonious, Disingenuous, Dishonest Idiot

(Yes, I know I called him a Sanctimonious, Disingenuous, Dishonest Asswipe before, but Terry Koeckritz was getting all Harpic about it and was threatening handbags at dawn, so I toned it down a little.)

And those are his good qualities. Although, as you will see, Ed couldn't have done it without the help of his *ahem* fairy godmother, Terry Koeckritz.

There's always one thing you can guarantee when Ed Poor gets into stride - he will do something that will make Conservapedia look even more inane, bizarre or just plain stupid. If he isn't adding articles on "sex with animals," or "adult child sex, " or the now legendary "Two meters," he'll be doing his best to show just what an arse-wipe he is.

Thursday, 19 August 2010

Fields Medal Update

Well, the news just in is that a woman didn't win the Fields Medal, which will no doubt have Andrew Schalfly crowing that "conservative values" triumphed in the end.

Oh, but the "communist-trained" Vietnamese guy did... except for the fact that he lives in France, is a naturalised French citizen, did his under-grad studies at Ecole Normale Supérieure and obtained his PhD from Universite Paris-Sud.

Then again, if you're Andrew Schlafly, everybody else is either a commie liberal, or is suspected of being a commie liberal.

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Misogyny, Racism & Insanity in One Easy Step

Andrew Schlafly really needs to think before he speaks. These days all he seems to do is dig himself deeper in a hole. Ever since he went batshit insane over his former boss at the Harvard Law Review becoming President of the US, he seems to be on a mission to make himself look more and more ridiculous. The really fun bit, is watching his fellow administrators - a more craven bunch of cowards you will never meet - standing back and letting Andy's rant build impetus and become more crazy as each day passes.

Not content with the Lenski affair, or another letter (sadly ignored) to Prof Moo; the Conservative Bible Project; Best of the Public and God knows what else, Andy has now shifted his vision to mathematics. Now this is a somewhat dodgy area of expertise on CP, given people like Ed "if I don't understand it, I delete it" Poor and Andrew "the Axiom of Choice is a liberal plot" Schlafly. To save time, have a look at this indepth analysis of Conservapedia Mathematics.

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Proof We Can't Make This Up

Sometimes Conservapedia is just so wonderfully funny and broken that there is absolutely no need for me to make something up about them. Erm... not that I do anyway, of course! Today's exhibit could well have been the result of a slip of the finger. However, given the general stupidity on Conservapedia, I somehow doubt it.

Given that the article stood, as above, from 10 October 2008, to 9 August 2010, it's fairly safe to assume that nobody saw anything wrong with it.

Thankfully, somebody has stepped in to correct it. Now in typical, Conservapedia style, it reads, "Muslin is a type of cotton fabric." Certainly a lot more concise than Wikipedia's article.

Sunday, 8 August 2010

A Picture Paints a 1000 Words

Or so they say. In that case, allow me to let the picture below answer the questions "Is Ken Demyer seriously deranged?";  "Is this the kind of writing an encyclopaedia purporting to be "trustworthy" wants its readers to see?" and "Why aren't we surprised that the other administrators haven't stepped in to do anything about it?

Dear Readers, I give you, for your viewing pleasure the "The transitional animal the flying kitty? (sic)" (Click the picture for a link to the full-sized horror.)

Saturday, 7 August 2010

Terry Hurlbut - Busted!!

(h/t to EddyP)
Oh, happy day!

Readers of Conservapedia might be familiar with one of Andrew Schlafly's rally calls, 'We don't censor the truth here." Of course, that means, along with "Open your mind," that you had better not challenge whatever bullshit theory he's putting forward today. Of course, it's also one of his criticisms of Wikipedia. They censor edits on Intelligent Design and other creationist claptrap, not to mention that classroom prayer is censored. So, despite the actual goings-on on CP, you'd be of the opinion that they're pretty anti censorship. Just running a search on "censor" pulls up a pretty comprehensive list.

Of course, they get around deleting everything they disagree with by claiming it's "lies," "deceit," or "liberal claptrap" - a personal favourite of Andrew Schlafly's.

Now, a story broke on 5th August, about a conservative cabal on media site Digg, who actively engaged in censoring Digg'd articles that they did not like. They called themselves Digg Patriots (or DP... which has an entirely different snigger-worthy connotation to the more *ahem* open-minded) To quote from AlterNet:

A group of influential conservative members of the behemoth social media site have just been caught red-handed in a widespread campaign of censorship, having multiple accounts, upvote padding, and deliberately trying to ban progressives. An undercover investigation has exposed this effort, which has been in action for more than one year.

As one of their members was caught saying:

The more liberal stories that were buried the better chance conservative stories have to get to the front page. I’ll continue to bury their submissions until they change their ways and become conservatives.”
-phoenixtx (aka vrayz)

Now you might be asking yourself what this has to do with Conservapedia. You know, that bastion of free speech and arch-enemy of censorship. Well, the article goes on to list the names of the Digg members involved. And there, right down the bottom, we come across the name Temlakos.

Who is none other than Terry Hurlbut (try saying that name without smiling) otherwise known as Conservapedia administrator TerryH. So it would appear as if one on Andy's hand-picked henchmen is in fact, a duplicitous cur, who - despite being a member of a site that deplores censorship (excuse me whist I laugh like a hyena for 5 minutes) - actively engages in censorship.

Then again, did we expect anything else from the merry crew of the "Trustworthy" encyclopaedia?

How to be a Coward

Regular readers of my humble prose might have picked up on a kind of common thread when discussing Conservapedia's group of administrators. Admittedly, there's probably several themes, amongst them stupidity and bullying, but first and foremost they are, to a man, a craven bunch of chicken-livered yes-men who live to lick the shit off Andrew Schlafly's shoes. They know all too well that Conservapedia is the only place where they have any kind of influence, and can pass themselves off as even vaguely knowledgeable - as evidenced by Brian Macdonald/Karajou's frequent 2-day 'I'm leaving and never coming back" stunts - and thus they will do anything to make sure they stay in Andy's good books. All this means is that Andy has a compliant echo-chamber, which serves to reinforce his own special brand of crazy. Another example is where he demanded to know if an editor, who had made the mistake of calling an entry "un-encyclopaedic" possessed a degree in "Encyclopaedia Science," failing which he was not qualified to make such assessment.

Now, I mentioned Brian Macdonald for a reason. This administrator, who is a weird mix of Popeye, Capt. Haddock and Charles Manson, is easily one of the most bullying of administrators. On more than one occasion, he has demanded that editors drive to their library, take out the book they are using as a reference and read the debated passage to him. I kid you not. (If you don't believe me, lookup TZB 670/9f2ce177201fc389.html "Historical matters and Kool-Aid")

Yes, Brian Macdonald is a man who brooks no trouble, has anger-management issues and a hair-trigger temper.

And a yellow streak a mile wide.

That's quite an assertion to make I hear you ask (hopefully?). Well, let's have a look at one example where Brian rolls over and lets his Lord and Master fuck him publicly up the ass. Metaphorically of course. Brain's retired from the navy so that sort of thing probably doesn't happen anymore.

Now I'm sure I don't need to remind you about just how horrible Conservapedia's "article" on Pres. Obama is. Nevermind the fact that Andy bears a personal grudge against his former boss on the Harvard Law Review, it now sports such rubbish as the Presidents's birth name being Barry Soetoro. Nevermind the fact that his mum only met Mr Soetoro 6 years later.

Still undaunted, Karajou decided to take it upon himself to make the article look more encyclopaedic. He wasn't going to actually remove any of the garbage contained in the article, just put things in a better order. For example, one would expect a biography to come before all the alleged scandals.

He also did spring a surprise on anybody. He made his intentions very clear in a message to the Zeuglodon Blues administrators' group, entitled "Obama article changes". In it he says,

So far, I did a re-arranging of half the article, and the other half I'll work on today. This does not involve a reduction of anything in the article itself with the exception of the introductory paragraph,
which I feel should be much shorter in addition to getting right to the point on his socialism.

The new layout is as follows:

Early Life and Education
Chicago Life (includes early activism, politics, etc)
Illinois state political life and voting record
Personal beliefs (includes religion, socialism, etc)
United States Senate
Presidential run (this includes the birth certificate controversy)

I'm going to set this article from the standpoint that he was actually born in Hawaii, as the lawsuit stems from a Democrat who has a history of filing frivolous lawsuits anyway. Conservative talk show host Phil Valentine has come up with the more likely theory that the reason Obama wanted the birth certificate hushed was that he was born as a "caucasian" or "mixed race", rather than as "African-American".

He then adds a second post, saying,

Ok, it is finished and posted.

One of the criticisms leveled against us is articles like what I have just corrected, and not so much in facts posted, but in how the article was previously laid out. State senate stuff added to the US senate topic, the same abortion info presented several different times when only once was enough, etc etc etc.

We do have to take a critical look at many of our articles and ensure that they are presented properly.

Now, nothing wrong with that would think. The only problem is that Andy has so many crazy toes that everybody steps on one at least once. This time was Brian's turn. Andy leaps in and reverts all Brian's work, with the edit comment of "restoring traditional placement; any massive rearrangement that dumbs down the entry needs more discussion before considering it."

Wow. So one of Andy's handy administrators was "dumbing down" an article. It should also be mentioned that besides his TZB posts, Brian also mentioned his changes on the talk-page. But Andy clearly couldn't be bothered to even skim through these posts, prefering to publically slap Brian down.

So, how would the angry one respond? Would he tell Andy that he had asked for discussion? Would he revert Andy's changes? Would he leave and never come back? What would Brian do?

The answer is: Nothing. Nothing at all.

Because he was too shit-scared of offending Andy and possibly harming the only position where he can wield some measure of authority.

And that is why Brian Macdonald, like his fellow administrators, is a craven, gutless coward.

Friday, 6 August 2010

Now you know...

...why Conservapedia is shunned by American conservatives and seen as a joke by the rest of the known world.

If the "Trustworthy" encyclopaedia allows its administrators post stuff like this below to its Main Page, one has to start questioning just how serious this project is. Now, ordinarily I would expect something like this to be added by a parodist. Which, let's face it, makes up virtually all of Conservapedia's editing base, except the administrators... and even some of them are suspect.

Hmmm. "The transitional animal the flying kitty?" That's not even good English. But then again, what else would you expect from CP's Master of Disaster, Ken Demyer aka Conservative. If you can stomach it, read the full article here, but be warned - you're likely to hurt your head as it collides with your desk.

I suppose that there are a few things to be said in Ken's defence. Firstly he did subsequently remove it (probably after a severe dressing down in the Zeuglodon Blues chat area), and it would appear as if he's suffering some sort of breakdown. Evidence for this is contained in an ever-increasing series of posts, starting with the whole 'Does Richard Dawkins have machismo?" rubbish, then onto what Hispanic and Asian ladies say about Dawkins, then onto a wildly wrong definition of Poe's Law. From this, he went on to create so-called parodies of evolution, once again clearly showing he has only a passing knowledge of what "parody" means. Then again, given that Andy doesn't consider parody to be comedy, we're not surprised.

All these, combined with several marathon 12- and 13-hour non-stop editing sessions, and a raging paranoia about being stalked, clearly indicate that something's not quite right with Ken. Which makes writing this make me feel a little like I'm pointing and laughing at a disabled person. However, that said, I'm guessing that there will be offer of assistance, or enquiries into his health, from his brother administrators, because a) they all hate him, b) it's quite simply not in their nature to be charitable towards others, and c) it'll blow Andy's claim about CP having "0 mental problems" out of the water. And those cowards are more worried about earning Andy's favour, than helping a colleague.