Saturday, 22 January 2011


Andrew Schlafly has long held a grudge against Hollywood, as evidenced by the bizarre Hollywood Values article. This might be because it's full of "liberals" - liberals in this case meaning everybody who isn't Andy, Mama Phyllis or Saint Reagan Himself. Then again, Andy holding grudges is nothing new. He harbours similar grudges towards professors and, of course, against his former boss at the Harvard Law Review, Barack Obama.

What makes it even funnier, is when Andy works himself up into a fine old lather over something and demonstrates for all to see that Conservapedia no longer even vaguely resembles and encyclopaedia, but has merely become yet another right-wing hate-blog, from which Andy and his cohort of losers can spout their bile.

To whit, Andy's latest outrage at the fact that "liberal" Hollywood types can dare to be offended by Ricky Gervais, seeing as they poke fun at conservatives. Now, I must agree that the stars have shown remarkably thin skins, just as much as Gervais has shown remarkably bad taste, but it's funny to see Andy indulging in some liberal name-calling:

Hollywood values: the moronic "stars" think jokes about conservatives are hilarious, but they're still angry that Ricky Gervais made fun of them at the Golden Globes ceremony.

Just the kind of level-headed reporting you'd expect from the "Trustworthy" Encyclopaedia. Having posted that on the Main Page, Andy now needs to create an article on the Golden Globes. Notice I didn't say an "encyclopaedic" article, because by now he's too busy frothing at the mouth to worry about things like "facts."

The Golden Globe award is yet another silly, self-congratulatory prize given by the movie and television industry to typically liberal performers. It usually precedes the Academy Awards.

The annual Golden Globe ceremony is held each year at the Beverly Hills Hotel, which makes it even sillier.

Now there's a lot of words I could use to describe that - childish, puerile, pathetic, silly (to use Andy's current favourite term) - but one thing it's not is encyclopaedic. Just another example of CP's rapid slide from pretend-encyclopaedia, to hosting drooling rants from a first grade moron.

What a silly place.




  1. Dumbassfly never disappoints. He's like the Inspector Clouseau and Ed Wood put together.

  2. The only problem with that analogy is that Clouseau‎ and Wood were so bad, they were good. Andypants is just... bad.

  3. Is the title suppose to have two Ls?

  4. lol. At times, my spelligne is as good as Andy's running of CP. Fiksed nao. Thanks for pointing that out.

  5. Sir Comrade Dr. Miller esq.23 January 2011 at 11:51

    How did Gervais (no "e" at the end) show bad taste? His whole monologue seemed pretty tame to me, and as I understand it, the outrage of the Hollywood community has been completely fabricated.

  6. First of all, it's Gervais (not Gervaise.). Second, how did Gervais display bad taste?

  7. Thanks for the correction, I've amended the blog accordingly. As for the bad taste - let's call it personal preference. I'm not a Gervais fan and I found some of his remarks unsuitable.

  8. Call it personal preference. If found his stuff more cringeworthy than funny, but then, I always have with him.

  9. You don't like Gervais because you are unfunny.

  10. Good job I didn't mention how much I loathe "Curb your Enthusiasm" then.

  11. The Ghost of Mr. Williams27 January 2011 at 23:42

    But that show actually sucked. Your use of the phrase "good job I didn't" is an enraging assault on proper language, however.

  12. Duly noted. A flogging shall be administered within due course. Just as soon as Madame ZsaZsa has a free slot...
