Sunday, 30 January 2011

Oh all right

Yes I know. I was Leaving And Never Coming Back. I went to pieces so fast that onlookers were struck down by shrapnel, and those that weren't were soon felled by the toys I was tossing out of my cot. I'm sorry.

So, does this mean I'm back? Well, yes and no. As I said below, Conservapedia is essentially dead and is by no means a presence on the internet. I wouldn't go as far as to say it was an unhealthy interest, but girlfriends are strangely unforgiving when they get called "TK" at inopportune moments.

And besides, when a fair maiden calls me "her hero," how could I possibly say no? (PetiteGurl, I want to marry you and have your babies!)

Finally, as much as he's a shameless attention whore, Ken Demyer's slide into insanity is far too much fun not to write about. Even if it is akin to laughing at the disabled.


  1. I keep telling you that you should extend the scope of your blog to other crazervatives. WND, RedState, jackasses you find in your local newspaper.

  2. That's probably a good idea. I'm sure there's enough moon-battery going on out there, to keep me busy.

  3. RedState? Isn't that the new Kevin Smith movie about crazy fundies?

  4. The ghost of GaryJ30 January 2011 at 18:05

    Welcome back. You're my favorite turd. Totally not shitting you.

  5. Wow, you know how to make somebody feel all warm and fuzzy, don't you?

  6. The ghost of GaryJ1 February 2011 at 07:04

    I make you happy, really really happy. Cuddles.
