Friday, 4 February 2011


I've decided to go through the archives and remove all posts referring directly to the late Terry Koeckritz.

After all, there's no point in demonising the dead and I'm sure Andrew Schlafly and his remaining cohorts will provide plenty to write about in the months to come.


I must confess, I never expected the strength of feeling that my decisions to "retire" certain posts caused. I guess I didn't really think it through and made the mistake of seperating the man from the institution he ran (into the ground). The final clincher was the closing comment by TGoGJ

Don’t ever let the CP admin forget how badly they got taken by that man. Don’t you dare.

Or maybe I'm just wishy-washy and indecisive. I dunno...

Either way, the posts have been restored, for better or worse.



  1. In regards to this, I can only say that this is another case of liberal fascist censorship. You should see if the Great Soviet Encyclopedia is still hiring: I'll bet they'd love to have your kind on board.

  2. While I understand your sentiment, there's a longer-term historical perspective that might be lost when you remove the TK posts.

    And this will come off as mean, but I was taught that "a dead bastard is still a bastard". He earned in life what his reputation will reap afterwards.

    Rather than a straight deletion, why not archive the material somewhere like RationalWiki?

  3. ...or just save it on your pooter until a more plusgood time?

  4. That's the stupidest thing I've read since Brian Macdonald's last edit.

  5. If the things you wrote about him were true when he was alive, are they no longer true now? Unfortunately, people die. Its kind of what happens. I dont understand your desire for political correctness here; I mean its not like anything ELSE you wrote before was all that nice. Why start now?

  6. Unless you actually knew the man face to face, you have no right to call him a bastard.

  7. Wow. I didn't expect such a strong reaction. The articles I'm removing are those that highlighted his actions alone on CP, as well as attempts to highlight his deceit.

    As he's no longer going to be influencing Conservapedia, is it still worth focusing on him, or outing him for that matter? Let's face it, it didn't make any difference to Andy and co when he was alive.

    However, if people feel that I was wrong to remove the posts, let me know and I'll reinstate them.

  8. It's clear it's wrong.

  9. I think it's good to keep them from a historical point of view. This stuff happened, and even though he's gone, the deeds live on. (Are we sure he's gone?)

  10. Have some respect for the dead, you fucking chavy piece of shit.

  11. Taking the comments above into account, please tell why it's ok to trash somebody when they're alive, but when they die, we're supposed to wipe the slate clean. In any event, TK's actions are more a mirror of all that is wrong with CP and deserve to stay.

    Also, if I really annoy you that much, just stop reading me. Easy.
