Friday, 11 February 2011

Thanks, Conservaleaks

Those with more tech savvy than yours truly, have gone to the incredible effort of not only posting all the previously leaked Conservapedia discussions, but also cleaning them up, labelling them and collating them in alphabetical order, in an easy-to-browse format.

To all those involved, my heartfelt gratitude.

You can visit the collated archives here.


  1. Thanks to "Jessica's" work, I have Zeuglodon Blues emails through April 30, 2009 -- why's the last one in Conservaleaks the "Enough!" thread, which I know was a thread dated March 23-24, 2009?

  2. Don't ask me, ask the people doing the converting.

  3. Thanks a lot. This is just perfect!

  4. Links are down due to bandwidth, or did CP complain to the FBI?

  5. I don't have any bandwidth problem I'm aware of and the FBI hasn't been in touch so far either. Also, you're perfectly welcome.

  6. Seems to be back up and running.

  7. Weird. According to my log files it was never down; I show successful requests for literally every hour since it first went up. What specifically did your browser tell you the problem was?

  8. Not sure what the deal was - it's back up for me now. It was just giving me the basic html file not found error message.

    No worries, and thanks.
